Grant Guidelines
- An Online Grant Application must be submitted by MMSD faculty by September 15th
11:59 P.M. Each faculty member may only submit one (1) application per grant cycle. - Grants are limited to one (1) per faculty member per grant cycle and must be completed by
April 15th of the same school year. - The maximum amount of each grant is $750.00, and if project exceeds $750.00, the applicant must state how the difference will be funded. Failure to do so will disqualify the applicant.
- Upon acceptance of the grant, a Grant Acceptance Form must be delivered, by email or mail, to the Millington Education Foundation by November 15th.
- All materials must be purchased through your school’s secretary by December 1st.
- All grant projects must be completed by April 15th.
- Upon completion of the grant, a Grant Evaluation Form Must be delivered, by email or mail, to the Millington Education Foundation by May 1st of the same school year. Failure to do so will disqualify the applicant from being considered in the next grant cycle.
- Grants cannot be used for salaries, food, seminars, honorarium travel, workshops, furnishings, field trips or personal use.
- Grant recipients agree that all materials and equipment funded by the grant become the property of Millington Municipal Schools.
- Unused funds over $20.00 should be returned to Millington Education Foundation by Jan 15th. Amounts less than $20.00 can by used at grantees discretion.
Review Process
A committee of the directors of the MEF will review all applications. Grants will be awarded based on the following criteria:
- Overall value to students
- Number of students impacted
- Likelihood of being shared among classes
- Reusability/Sustainability
- Creativity
- Innovation
The number of grant awards is dependent upon the number of applications received and the amount of available funds for grants. The committee will provide the board with their recommendations. The Board will make the final approval.